Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Issue #19

Happy Holidays and all the Best in 2013!
Bob Armstrong, the owner of the Curves gym where I work out, asked some of the ladies to write something inspirational as a 'gift' to the other members. My story is a 'Christmas' story of sorts so I decided to share it with you, my readers.

          ______              How Curves Saved Sasha’s Life                                      
My name is Andrea Brandle and I started working out at Curves Marine Parade in September 2010. At that time, I weighed 98 kilos and was so out of shape that I would get short of breath walking up the stairs to our 3rd floor apartment. Luckily for me, Bob was offering a special promotion. If I worked out 18 times in the first 6 weeks, the registration fee would be waived. This got me in the habit of going to Curves 3 times a week.
In late November 2010 my cousin’s acquaintance brought his tiny, frail, old cat to stay with us while he went back to England for the holidays. Her name was Sasha. On her first morning in our apartment she fell or jumped out of the window and was on the bracket that holds the air conditioner. My cousin isn’t very tall and couldn’t reach her so she woke me up. I am tall but the only way that I could reach Sasha was by leaning very far out of the window and stretching my arms down as far as I could. Once I grabbed hold of her I had to use my abdominal muscles to bring us both up and into the window because I couldn’t us my hands; they were both firmly holding Sasha. I think I must have pulled a muscle because I was in pain for a few weeks afterwards but I realized that if I had not been going to Curves regularly, I would not have been physically able to rescue her.
I do not feel that I have had to overcome any major obstacles on my path to fitness. I have learned that if I don’t attend regularly (3 times a week), I gain weight but I enjoy going to Curves so it is not a hardship. My advice to all the members is to think about exercise, a healthy diet, drinking plenty of water, and getting enough sleep as part of the good care that you deserve. And remember to smile and dance like nobody is watching!

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